DCS 70 dryer


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Refrigeration air dryer, capacity 70 m3/hour

  • Superior energy savings thanks to static condenser.
  • Efficient refrigerant compressor.
  • Low pressure drop.
  • +7°C dew point.
  • No blockage thanks to wide condenser design.
  • Standard expansion valve.
  • 3-in-1 heat exchanger design (air/air – air/refrigerant – water separator in 1 block).
  • Easy maintenance automatic drain.
  • No compressed air loss, use of a mechanical air vent.
  • Less refrigerant gas used.
  • + More environmentally friendly, 40% energy savings compared with a conventional dryer.

Description of the range

DCS dryers have static condensers without cooling fans, making them energy-efficient, low-noise and compact in design. DCS dryers also have a long service life and require little maintenance.

Correction factors to be applied:

